Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Knock Knock...Who's There?? - Wood Knock Reply Captured On Audio

Wood Knocking - Thought to be a method of communication used by Sasquatch/Bigfoot to locate or warn each other across a given distance using a sound that resembles a wood upon wood knocking sound therefor the given name "Wood Knocking"

So it seems the strange events continue around our home near the Smoky Mountain National Park...
As I have noted in previous blog post, we live in a very rural and secluded area right at the edge of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Over the past month or two we have been having quite a few strange happenings around our home. Twice lately we have had loud banging on the side of our home around 1 in the morning. Last week close to midnight while watching TV we heard three VERY loud wood knocks in the woods just down the hill in front of the house. Several instances of eye-glow, heavy footsteps walking just inside the treeline by our home and a constant feeling of being watched.
On November 11th, 2013 I was out on my front porch late in the evening and was attempting to stir up some action and gain a response to wood knocking. Although it has taken several missed opportunities and lessons un-learned, I have finally trained myself to always take the digital recorder with me when outside our home at night... this time it payed off.
On this particular night I made three very loud knocks with two small pieces of 2x4 lumber and just waited. About 25 seconds later a response of three knocks almost identical to mine was heard (and recorded) from the woods across the valley from my home.
A similar thing had happened a few nights earlier only much closer and I didn't have the recorder going (one of those lessons un-learned). I had done the same "three knock" pattern and about 20 seconds later a very fast and loud "two knock" pattern answered back from the woods across my driveway.



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Loss Of Innocence - Repost By Scott Carpenter

A good friend and fellow researcher Scott Carpenter reposted a write-up he did a while back which in my opinion is excellent advice for anyone interested in the study of Bigfoot. I can't even begin to describe how accurate he is in this article...

Blog post by Scott Carpenter at:

The "Loss of Innocence" - Advice to Aspiring Bigfoot Researchers - Re-Post

Over the past few weeks the Finding Bigfoot episode that I was in has aired a couple times. This has prompted a few inquiries about Bigfoot Research in general and what it takes to "get started". I posted this article several months ago and it expresses my thoughts to those wanting to get into "Bigfoot Research" as a "hobby".

The "Loss of Innocence" - Advice to Aspiring Bigfoot Researchers

I used to love the outdoors. I would go out alone and wander around in the forest, exploring new places, the further off the beaten path the better. I would go into the National Park and select a drainage and just go, walk in for a couple hours then turn around and walk back out. I preferred to hunt deer alone, finding spots so deep in the thickets that no one else would even dream of going back into these places. Every now and then I would get the feeling I was being watched, but I would shrug the feeling off and go back to enjoying my day.

The actual location of the encounter
Those days are no more; the wilderness has lost its wonder. It is no longer a place of peace and serenity. It all changed for me on a sunny June day in 2009 while fishing. I was casting a point of land that was part of a public recreation area. I made some silly sounding “whooping” calls why I do even know.  I was just messing around imitating what I had watched in a YouTube video. Then the most amazing thing happen, something came tearing down through the woods. It was breaking limbs and crashing around in the thick underbrush. My jaw dropped and I was in shock as I stared at the shoreline. It stayed back in the shadows and I could only catch glimpses of sunlight on it from time to time. It acted like it was looking for something. It would go up the bank to the right and then the left. While all this was going on I was fumbling with the trolling motor trying to put some distance between it and me. After a couple minutes I heard a very clear “humph” three or four times. Then I heard it walk back into the woods slowly until it was out of range. It took me several minutes to compose myself as I sat down in the bottom of my fishing boat.

This event would change everything. I had to find out what had made this noise. Even though I had a sighting when I was a child, this event was the catalyst; this event started me on this journey, this “quest for the truth”.

Over the past three years I have seen and experienced things that are unbelievable. The average person has no idea what is going on in the wilderness. I can no longer go into the woods in a state of “ignorant bliss” and just enjoy it. I know what is out there, I know what is watching and lurking in the shadows.

I do still enjoy being out but it is different now. It is hard to explain to those who have never experienced it, but the Bigfoot “know that you know” and this changes everything. I have a difficult time deer hunting because of interference from the Bigfoot. I go on family outings in the National Park with relatives that have no clue about Bigfoot or that I research and we will hear “strange sounds” or encounter “odd smells”.

 I can not explain this but some people are what I called “marked” by the Bigfoot. No matter where you go, if there are Bigfoot in the area they will find you and make themselves known to you. On average it takes a couple days in an area for the “locals” to find you. Then all the “odd” stuff begins to happen.

My “loss of innocence” is compounded when you throw in the other crytpids that have shown up. I had only heard rumors about the “Dogman” until I captured it on video and then later made direct eye contact with one. I was not looking for them and definitely did not want to see one.  It is a shock to the system when you begin to realize what you have been taught all your life is wrong and that your “reality” is not the truth. You have heard the old saying, “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. Well I found out how true this statement is. To be honest I am still adjusting to this “new reality”. Gone are the days when the woods were a place of solitude, peace, and wonder. It is now a place where the “Monsters” live and they do not respect your “reality”.

I get several request from people all the time “where can I go to see a Bigfoot”, “what can I do to have an encounter”, and “I want to know the truth about them”. My first piece of advise would be are you sure that is what you really want? The “truth” is a very sharp double-edged sword and is no respecter of persons or your belief system.

I have been bursting many bubbles lately when I talk to people. My advice now comes with stern warnings about being cautious, going armed, never going in the woods alone, do not take your children with you, if you’re a woman be extra careful. I can hear the disbelief in the voices of those hearing this for the first time. Those who think like I once did; the “benevolent keeper of the forest” is not always so benevolent and he is not the only cryptid out there.

So this is my advice or better my warning to those who want to “research Bigfoot” or “find the truth”, find another hobby, this is not what you think it is. If you still insist then be ready for a shock to your belief system, be ready to throw out everything you think you know. When you think it can’t get any “weirder” it will and there are very few people who you can tell or talk about this with. You will be called a crackpot, crazy, insane, out of touch with reality, idiot, and these are just the ones I can repeat. You will experience things you can not record on film or produce “evidence” of, you will be frustrated constantly by camera malfunctions, blobsquatches, and noises you plainly heard but your equipment did not pick up.

 There are also the unintended consequences of research, home visitations. Yes in many cases they will follow you home, do not ask how or why I just know they do. Then your friends and family will really thing you are a lunatic.

Finally I have one more warning to give you,with knowing the truth comes responsibility.   What do you tell the woman that calls you who is all excited about researching Bigfoot and loves to go out into the woods all by herself? When you see that a child has gone missing in a wildness area you will wonder. When phone calls come from scared people who have a Bigfoot habitation around their home what do you tell them? When you talk to a person that has just had an encounter and they called you because you’re the “local researcher” what do you tell them? What are you going to say to calm their nerves? How are you going to reassure them that it is ok, they are not crazy, what they saw is real.

Some who research seek anonymity to avoid the above but it will be difficult if you choose to go this route, you will be faced with choices to speak out or be silent and there are consequences to both decisions.

So in closing my final word to you is take up golf or fishing it is safer and less stressful, but if you insist on perusing "Bigfoot Research" be prepared for your “loss of innocence”.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Possible Activity At Home - October '13

We've had something interesting going on around the house here lately and in particular the last two nights. We have a small fall display down the hill beside our driveway just out of sight of our house. It consist of a hay bale, one large and two small pumpkins, two small scarecrows and an old watering can with flowers in it. Two nights ago we noticed one of the smaller pumpkins was missing. I searched high and low and it was nowhere to be found.

The missing pumpkin was on the left side in front of the little scarecrow.

Last night I decided to place half a chocolate poptart I the exact same spot that the missing pumpkin had been. 
This morning I was on my way down the driveway heading to work and noticed the second small pumpkin was about 20 feet down the driveway. I stopped the truck and got out to find that the poptart was gone along with one of the small scarecrows we have staked down in the hay bale (the one on the right). After spending several minutes looking for the missing scarecrow, my only conclusion was that something possibly took it last night. 

This is only one of several odd happenings around our home in the past couple weeks. We have a close friend of ours that lives in a small portable building across the driveway from our house. On two different nights he has had something large hit the side of his building around 1-2am. He would immediately go outside only to find all is quiet and nothing around. If this is indeed bigfoot related, I'm not feeling that it is the same group that came around last fall. These guys seem more sneaky and not as bold about letting themselves be known. That is up untill the last couple weeks. We have company coming in this weekend. That usually stirs things up some so we'll just wait and see what happens. I may step up my gift offerings by leaving items in a broader area around the property. Up until now most of my gift leaving has been centered around the back yard. Nothing like bigfootin' in the fall!